Our Vision
Our vision is to utilize technology in healthcare segment by providing medical career counselling, creating licensed physician via education & providing skill development courses to create a pool of paramedical force enabling an eco-system to provide accessible as well as affordable primary healthcare across large population of India.

Our Mission
We aim to deliver quality healthcare to the last rural area of India by utilizing technology and creating infrastructure along with manpower. Our mission is to impact and upgrade India’s current healthcare infrastructure and eco-system to reach a level of a developed country.

The History
As against the world average of 150 doctors per lac of population, India averages only 86 available but 64 practising registered doctors. In order to fill this huge gap, India needs around 1 Million more of quality trained licensed physicians. With a huge limitation in terms of available infrastructure of medical schools in India (which produces only 75,000 doctors in 2022 from 600+ NMC approved medical colleges), the promoters started a proprietary company in 2012 in the space of student mobility by offering medical courses in global universities.
By 2022, the company under the brand of MOKSH has successfully placed 1,000+ students in countries such as China, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia etc. for medical course and has reached a level of producing 500 new doctors per year to become India’s trusted and reputed company in the segment of healthcare career counselling. On an average, an Indian medical college produces around 100 doctors a year only!
The company expanded its services within technology based online Education space preparing the doctors with global medical license test prep with live class. Every country including India regulates the quality of doctors by taking up license exams such as FMGE / NEXT in India or USMLE in USA or PLAB in UK. The qualification in such tests allows the doctors to practise in the respective countries. It has recently launched the test prep for NEET UG, an entrance exam taken up by the students aspiring for becoming doctors.
We have started impacting and contributing the healthcare segment by taking multiple innovative initiatives.

We are Impacting
With 1.8 Million aspirants taking up NEET UG entrance exam to become a doctor in India to more than 16,000 students going abroad for becoming a doctor, MOKSH has a huge market space to gather business. More than 300,000 doctors need to prepare for the exit exam (NEXT) studying medicine in India and abroad. Further, around 15,000 students aiming higher for specialist programs appear for USMLE or PLAB exams.

Sr. No. | Industry Problem in India | MOKSH Solutions | Business Status |
1 | India needs more doctors | Student mobility business | Leadership |
2 | Produce more specialists | MOKSH academy - Ed Tech | Emerging |
3 | Doctors need better career | Setting up studium across India | Launched |
4 | Patients need healthcare delivery | Health tech with tele consulting | In 2023 |
Growth Story
We have created a huge shift in the approach of the students. Instead of just worrying about the admission to a medical college, they have started planning their career right up to a specialist level (Post Graduate). The students and the parents are able to take up an informed decision instead of following a hugely prevailing herd mentality within the community.
The student mobility division is now launching Study in Europe to provide highly employable non- medical and allied healthcare courses in Europe at the cost of Indian private colleges at bachelor and masters level. By 2022, the company has changed the constitution to a Public Limited.
By March, 2022, while MOKSH grew its revenues and services to more than pre COVID level, smaller unprofessional education agents in the business are finding it difficult to survive due to various factors such as COVID 19 pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Management Team

Dhananjay Shah
Managing Director
Priti Shah
Whole time Director
Brijesh Sharma
Whole time Director
Mr. Mohit Guriiaiii
Independent Director
Mohit Vanavat
Independent Director
Naresh Kumar
Independent DirectorCore Team

Moksha Shah
Rupanshi Shah
Rajendra Sharma
Head (North)
Monica Shah
Vishal Vasan
Chief Technology OfficerMOKSH
Niraj Rathod
Chief Information OfficerMOKSH
Nidhi Shukla
Chief Operating Officer, XERA EdTechAdvisory Board