MOKSH Academy aims to enable students to reach their career goals and become globally employable with a major focus on the healthcare education segment.
Why we started!
With a leadership in student mobility - for healthcare courses abroad - in India on a B2C basis, MOKSH identified a pain point among the students. From 2012 to 2022, around 232,000 doctors appeared for the exam out of which only 43,900 could qualify (Success rate only 18.9%)! This led to a huge waste of student time, efforts and India’s foreign exchange since the end goals were not met!
There are around 70,000 Indian students studying in 15+ countries for their medical education. As per the rule of NMC, every medical graduate who has studied overseas needs to qualify in a licensing exam namely FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Exam). After spending 6 years abroad and Rs. 25-30 lacs to study medicine, these students found it difficult to qualify in this exam.

About MOKSH Academy
MOKSH invested in developing a unique Learning Management System developed with an individual learning platform. The technology allows tracking progress of every student preparing for the global medical license exam such as FMGE, NEXT and USMLE.
While a large number of medical students in 7 countries depend on us for test prep needs of medical license exams, we are setting up physical test prep centres operated by licensed physicians across India. The unique offerings by MOKSH Academy include:
Career Solutions by MOKSH Academy
MOKSH Academy's Online Technology Platform was launched in 2018 as an initiative to support these struggling students. It changed the way they prepared for the qualifying exam and prepared them online for FMGE from the very first year of their medical studies itself. MOKSH Academy started preparing the students online for FMGE from the very first year of their medical studies itself. Currently, MOKSH Academy students access online test preparation solutions in 7 countries and include license exam for India (FMGE) as well as USA (USMLE).
Medical Licensing Regulation by NMC
The National Medical Commission has announced that any graduate doctor wishing to practice in India will need to appear for a licensing exam namely National Exit Test (NEXT). Till 2024, the students becoming doctors from foreign institutions will need to qualify in FMGE, Students who studied in India will get their practicing license without any exam. After 2024, every doctor from India would have to appear for NEXT 1 before internship and NEXT 2 after completion of internship. NEXT 1 is replacing FMGE as well as NEET PG!
Concept of MOKSH Academy
Medical education is going through transformative reforms by the NMC with the introduction of NEXT 1 and NEXT 2 licensing exams, It has therefore become necessary to change the way you prepare for the exam. Your preparation should include patient-centred learning coupled with intense practical knowledge. You can feel the difference during your exam preparation with our hybrid learning model due to the unique concept of combining online + off-line mode:
Key Features
- Access to individual learning technology platform
- Flexibility of learning concepts with live online classes
- Performance Tracking
- Digital Classrooms for special group study
- Face-to-face mentoring by a licensed physician
- Access to live patient case studies

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Students Testimonials
MOKSH Academy is currently supporting students to prepare for NEXT 1 in 7 different countries. The MOKSH Academy LMS for NEXT Test Prep is subscribed by huge number of students by Indian students as well and more than 300,000 medicos studying in India in 590+ medical colleges can take benefit from this solution.