There are very few circumstances more unfortunate than being stuck in a job involving work you simply hate doing. And boy is it common! Almost everyone has been subjected to periods of time where she/he has had to restrain her/his natural instincts in order to get a certain thing done, be it a construction assignment given by Dad or a medical confinement. It is suffocating. Now imagine being stuck in an occupation that does not suit your finer nature! You slog everyday and it literally makes life a drag. The smart youth of India is ready to fly. The shackles of Academic and Technological inadequacy are gone. The aware parents of today are not bogged down by fear of taking the less trodden path. And that is a relief. The horizon widens for the youngsters even as we blink. A very pleasant sounding word Calling comes into prominence here. Discovering your Calling is the welcoming realization of the purpose of your life. Undoubtedly fortunate are those who realize early in their life what profession they would be most productive in, doing work they love doing. The most effective way of identifying ones Calling is, in my opinion, traveling. And the earliest you start, the better. At this stage in life, you learn fast, you are open to changes, you are more in touch with your feelings and are at the peak of energy levels with a privilege to invest time experimentally. When you travel at a young age, you feel the local scenery, the fragrances, the nature of folk and the fabric of life as such. You get to choose your future ambience better because you have lived at culturally, ethnically, socially and individually distinct points in the civilization. And you become better-disposed to imagine yourself doing more things and following ways of life you experience while traveling. And there are a lot of chances that you discover that profession which you are really passionate about. When the youth and their parents in India realize the value of these educational adventures of Moksh Youth Travels, many more lives would breathe easier. When such people wake up in the morning, the thought of going to work motivates them to leave the bed and not feel any grudges. No more Monday blues!!! Subscribe to my blog and avail benefits when you plan to take your first real, value-added vacation.
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