It is definitely not an easy task to pass FMGE Exam or MCI Screening Test. However, if you folllow a clear and systematic method based on our years of experience, we can definitely take you there. Result (Pass/Fail) for eligible candidates is displayed at NBE website and officer of NBE notice board. An applicant shall be declared as having passed only if he/she obtain a minimum of 150 marks out of 300 in the FMGE Exam.
Getting Admit Card For FMGE Exam
You need to log in to the FMGE website using your username & password and select Download Admit Card once the seat allotment has been done. Please refer to the above website for notifications. The FAQs, IVRS and online instructions are designed to enable self-service. In case you are still facing issues, then NBE (National Board of Examinations) in New Delhi - Candidate Care Support is available by phone and email. Phone: 0124-6771700 OR 1800 11 1700(Toll Free)
MCI Screening Passing Ratio
Exam | Mar’ 12 | Sept’ 12 | Mar’ 13 | Sept’ 13 | June’ 14 | Dec’ 14 | June’ 15 |
% Pass | 21.04% | 27.62% | 29.15% | 9.00% | 3.50% | 18.00% | 7.20% |
* MCI screening test 2016 is scheduled in June. As one can easily see that the MCI screening test result has been low constantly for the last 4-5 years with an average of around 12% of the students passing the exam in spite of this being just a non-competitive screening test. If you are thinking to study MBBS abroad, you must keep FMGE result of the past years very well in mind to ensure a right decision is taken right from the beginning. Are these MCI screening test question papers very difficult or the students are not clear about the approach to crack the exams? The above FMGE news is definitely very discouraging. However, Let us try to understand this aspect step by step and ensure that you are very clear on how to prepare for MCI screening test so that you pass in this test on the very first attempt! MOKSH aims to achieve 100% results of its students in the coming 5 years through an innovative solution. Read more on option of FMGE exam Coaching while you study abroad! If you are studying abroad, the best way to pass MCI screening test is to start preparing for the exam from day 1 of you joining the course there. After all, FMGE exam is based on the course and curriculum of MBBS in India. All the 19 subjects taught in India needs to be prepared for this exam. Suddenly you will find it very easy if you give yourself 6 years to prepare! Avail of our 6 year package for FMGE exam Coaching .